Our stage 1 maps always make similar power to most others, with average peak figures of 240(ish) bhp and 270-280 ft/lb. This is usually enough for most and it's not always possible to spend time developing maps on customers cars (effectively creating a custom map)
A customer came in for a dyno run on a 2006 gti with minor mods, original air box with replacement filter element and a milltek catback system. Good results were achieved with it making 220ft/lb and 205bhp. We discussed a Revo remap but the customer decided to have one of our own maps installed there and then, so out came the laptop and a few hours later we saw the best ever figures we have had on our dyno from a K03 car with such minor mods!
Bhp improved from 205 to 262
Torque improved from 220 to 315 ft/lb
(measured on a dyno dynamics dyno in shootout mode)
I have spent the last 4 hours looking over maps and comparing this particular map to 50+ other ko3 remaps we have on file, the biggest difference is in the way we modified the torque limit map structure and the n75 map, this has produced a much stronger torque curve that holds for far longer throughout the rpm range and doesn't drop off in the same way that most ko3 power curves seem to. Intake temps are all good and with only 3 degrees of ignition retardation and sensible EGT values.
Now my thinking is that this could have been a 1 off, just a car that did better than most? So what I need is 2 people that want a remap, either on a standard car or mildly modified that have a late model gti with k03 turbo. I will carry out a full custom map with dyno testing and data logging etc.. For around £100. This is more to satisfy my curiosity than anything else and at the same time a couple of forum members can get a bargain.
Here is a post by the customer:
http://www.vagoc.co.uk/vb/showthread.php?p=62116#post62116And a copy of the dyno graph is here:
http://www.vagoc.co.uk/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=418&d=1283641676Just wished I had spent more time on my own k03 car now before dismissing it for the k04 ed30. Just need to see if the results can be replicated on some more cars. Hope someone finds this post useful and if any other tuners are interested in this software version, message me