I changed to a Diesel, since i do a fair bit of driving - and TBH its saving me sh*tloads of money!!
Used to spend around £60 a week on fuel with my ED30.
I changed to a Diesel, and now spend £50 every 2 WEEKS!! Even then, I still have the last quarter of the tank left!
The insurance is half the price as well, and the tax is much lower also.
Im trying to get my mortgage as low as possible by paying lump sums into it. I have a 3 bedroom semi-detached house with garage and drive at the moment, but we want to move in 5 or so years time into a bigger house - so all the money Im saving is definitely helping a hell of a lot!
No way near as fun to drive, but then i remember how much Im saving!
One day I'll buy a decent family size car, like the RS4 or 5 door M3.......one day! lol