I don't know what's wrong (will be diagnosed by VW) but it won't drive. It will very very reluctantly engage in drive enough to go onto a flatbed, but won't reverse! Heard a clunk as stopped at lights and then nada, managed to get it to limp off main road
Not helpful as I spent 4 hours blocking a busy road in a town centre and then another 2 hours waiting for a flatbed as the front bumper of a GTI is too low for a normal tow (front wheels wouldn't go onto recovery man's trolley thing without damage)! RAC utterly useless and no idea (couldn't even get me out of the way). The first recovery driver did get me to the side of the road, thinks perhaps box somehow overheated, possibly diff gone...all manner of warning lights now on dash. I'd driven all of a mile or so when this happened!
Some very helpful people and some utter morons who thought I was sat in the middle of a road for my own amusement it seems and 4x4 drivers unable to mount a pavement to drive around me...

I can't believe this weirdly has something to do with the exhaust warning light 10 days ago which went away. I was trying to get it diagnosed, just not managed yet!
Unimpressed by my first VW experience!!