I've just signed up for a new Rocco on Saturday, only a 2.0 TDI GT but with DSG and extra toys. They gave me the loan of their black "R" demonstrator for the weekend to see if I liked the DSG box.
Fook me, it was bloody quick

Couldn't afford the "R" (or the fuel) so had to settle for a sootchucker again which should be here about May (they didn't say which May though).
Been looking at your mods and planning similar ones myself (you know that imitation is the best form of flattery). One quick question though. I've seen that you have added the rear cup holders to the back of the armrest, but is there the possibility of also adding the rear airvents as well ? I know it would involve both pieces of the air ducts, but coming from a 5 door car to a 3 door with fixed back windows, I though it might be nice for rear seat passengers to get a little fresh air ?