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Author Topic: If you were in my position, What would you ??  (Read 1071 times)

Offline Kiwi

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If you were in my position, What would you ??
« on: September 08, 2010, 10:07:50 am »

As you can tell from the user name, I am a New Zealander (i.e Kiwi)

I have the opportunity to buy a personlised plate KIW 1516, with adjusted spacing KIW1 516, now how much would you spend on buying it? leaving the font standard.

I am looking at a personlised plate for 2 reasons, 1. De-age the car (dateless) 2. Some thing more unique plate wise, but also relevant to me, something I can keep car to car.

So any thoughts/comments welcome.


Offline S2 Ant

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Re: If you were in my position, What would you ??
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, 10:30:46 am »
Thats pretty much the point of anyone getting a private plate.
I think most people would if they could find what they wanted at a reasonable price, but for most the price plays a big part of the decision more than anything.

If you can get one you're happy with at a price you're willing to pay, then go for it I say

Offline LouCyffer

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Re: If you were in my position, What would you ??
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2010, 12:07:09 pm »
Do bear in mind that adjusting the spacing counts as 'misrepresenting a vehicle index mark'. You may leave yourself open to a '7 day wonder' vehicle rectification notice. Repeated offences can result in your right to have the mark on your vehicle being withdrawn. AND, in the worst cases, the DVLA can replace it with a 'Q' plate. Instantly halves the value of your vehicle. Some coppers don't bother. Others will foam at the mouth when they see one.

Doesn't seem to have deterred the number of drivers who carry on doing so. Why any T1T wants to impress with a badly spaced plate is beyond me. Makes them look a right PEN 1S. :signLOL:

Present company excepted, Kiwi! :smiley: No offence meant

These plates are usually Irish origin, and don't command a high price. You should try several reg number brokers, as they often list identical numbers for different prices. They only 'buy' the plate in on your behalf once you pay them, so don't hold them on stock.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 12:08:55 pm by LouCyffer »
Black 2008 5 door GTI. Leather, DSG, ipod prep, 18" Monzas. Retrofitted: Cruise, PDC, RNS510, 729 Skoda Bluetooth (thanks SteveP), MFSW buttons (thanks MortyGTTDi), Armrest & vents, covered cupholder, Highline (thanks Kalu), Polar FIS+ (thanks Richn), Reversing camera (thanks MortyGTTDi)

Offline LouCyffer

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Black 2008 5 door GTI. Leather, DSG, ipod prep, 18" Monzas. Retrofitted: Cruise, PDC, RNS510, 729 Skoda Bluetooth (thanks SteveP), MFSW buttons (thanks MortyGTTDi), Armrest & vents, covered cupholder, Highline (thanks Kalu), Polar FIS+ (thanks Richn), Reversing camera (thanks MortyGTTDi)