
car had vwr lower solid race mount installed
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=5082.0 if you dont like to hear/feel the engine through the seat then this is not a mod for you as its loud

but god i love it

and also had the powerflex bush fitted for the arm too to take all the slop out of the arm and engine movement

it now does not move at all

its like the one john fitted
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=6995.0 and to aid the walk kit powerflex bushes and its made the whole front end nice and tight.
The car was also in for the vw cup car brakes fitting too but after Mat had looked at them he said we are not going to put them on your car as they are all a bit worn

but how would you like to be part of the process for the new VWR brake kit

what kits this then so all was told and and my car goes down on teusday for it to have all the measurements taken from the car and both sets of wheels to check for clearance probs and then its back down for them fitting

some people have tried these on the VWR red mk5 but they are the prototype ones and the ones going on mine will be the final production versions that will be on sale very soon. All the info and all the cad designs will be put on the forum by Mat at VWR for everyone to see after mine get fitted in the next week or two

oh yes just to say they are 360mm discs and 6 pot calipers