Hi Carl,

basically I have been on O2 for years and they have always looked after me.
Some of you may know that I have been off work for nearly 2yrs due to a bad motorcycle accident, so being skint, when it comes to contracts they will have to be cheap. (well at least for another year)
When I left hospital after the accident I called O2. My contract was ready for re-newing and I told them that I needed to cancel as I was out of work, and would be for a long time. (I used to pay £45 a month)
They then told me that they would give me a handset free upgrade for 18mths giving me 200mins 200txts all for FREE!!! I was shocked, but true to their word, I have not had a penny to pay for the last 18mths. (I obviously never went over the 200mins/texts)
Anyway since that deal expired a few months ago, my bills have been about a tenner, and TBH I wouldn't really want to pay more than £15 a month, if I start another contract.
If I do get myself a cheap iPhone, I will have to get a contract with now includes internet. I haven't bothered with the internet on my phone since the accident and really the 200mins/200texts was enough for me, since I don;t use the phone for work anymore.
Is there any tariff you know of, that would be any good for me? and is there anything I need to ask for when I upgrade? (i'm not sure about all the internet usage stuff etc)
Last of all mate, any tips on buying a used iPhone? Is the standard 3G with iOS4.1 any good? or should I hold out for a 3GS? Do I need a jailbroke one?

Sorry for all the questions buddy

Its just that at the moment, an iPhone would be a luxury rather than a necessity. I am trying to see if I can afford one now, or if I should wait till I'm back working and then get a brand new one on contract.
Thanks again.