General > Shows, Events and Meets

VW Players 19th Sept

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what time is everyone looking to get there for tomorrow?


--- Quote from: BenR on September 14, 2010, 09:00:14 pm ---
--- Quote from: cuprak1 on September 14, 2010, 03:13:50 pm ---any one want a k1 on there stand  :P

--- End quote ---

Come park with us in the show n shine mate theres a few of us from the forum going down and parking together we will try keep you a space free! Its the best place to park and it doesnt cost any more to park in the show n shine!

--- End quote ---

ok what time? bringing a few mk5's and obviosuly me and pov too, will there be room? PM me your number

edit... and dan  :drinking:

and me...

we could make our own stand  :pomppomp:

edited my post dan...  :mad:


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