General > Product Reviews

Hella Daytime Running Light LED's....

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lol stired it up here ! think the main reason i dislike them is cos there is a rover 214 in my home town with them and as you can guess they look crap , and from that day on even std fitting day ligfhts just dont do it for me .


--- Quote from: RedRobin on October 20, 2009, 09:37:52 pm ---^^^^
Jeezuz, TT! ! - You and I have already discussed all this on the other forum so why repeat all the tedium here?
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Huh - so are you saying that only YOU has the right to post bull sh!t on this site, and that I can not reply with factual corrections?  That is an extremely arrogant point of view, especially as this is a PUBLIC forum - and is completely SEPARATE to the GolfGTIforum!

--- Quote from: RedRobin on October 20, 2009, 09:37:52 pm ---As I said on the other forum, I read many many pages of various documents and reports commissioned in different countries. I'm not going to spend time trawling through it all again just to answer you point by point.
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And you completely FAILED to back up your point of view.  And you also were NOT able to counter any of my comments on the other forum either!!!!!


--- Quote from: Greenouse on October 21, 2009, 09:44:03 pm ---Isn't everyone else getting as bored as I am with the usual divided opinion regarding Robin's DRL's?  :indifferent:

He likes them, some other's do, some other's don't. Get over it peeps as he's not gonna change them! And being rude about them just isn't on, so if anyone else fanices a pop I will just remove it!   :happy2:
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The issue of weather we like them or not isn't the issue - what IS an important issue is that someone is trying to post some WRONG information as FACT - when it categorically is NOT FACT.

Or is a certain poster still of the opinion that Audi are making ILLEGAL cars?

99% of stuff people post on the internet is probably a little far off FACT but if you feel the need to right that wrong then fill your boots Sean!  :smiley:

Edit: Greeners beat me too it, but anyway here's my comments on this.

^^^ Chill out T_T.

You more than most should know Robin will be Robin with his views on things, especially  DRL's.

The vast majority of the members of this site are wise enough to make there own informed choices about the products they buy, and I suspect aren't lead only by things like the product views on this site.

As much as I know you feel you need to ensure every post is correct to your only personal standards there is no need to give the old fella a verbal beating every time.  :laugh:


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