Gosh! I've been out most of today and come back to all this.
I'd just like to say to Sean (TT) that I'm sorry if my reply to you caused you to go off on one - I do understand and respect your need to ensure that every word posted is absolutely as correct as it can be and in fact, in my own somewhat different way I try to do the same.
In case you are thinking otherwise I am not trying to suggest that Audi were doing anything illegal - Quite the contrary because every car manufacturer is very strictly obliged to do everything within the rules. Audi are to be greatly praised for their creative thinking and innovation - Hence their current DRL solutions.
What I was trying to say (albeit in the other forum) was that Audi, again as every manufacturer would be expected to do, had so far produced DRL versions which weren't necessarily going to be future proof in their switching - Not this would matter anyway because the laws are never restrospective in such matters.
I haven't specifically substantiated various statements I've made because I would have to spend many hours going through all the documents I have read from many different countries and authorities who had commissioned studies, surveys, and reports on the subject of dedicated DRL's and how best to legislate their use.
It's because my DRL's are in the foglight position that I felt a need to be able to stand up for myself if challenged legally, and hence my research. I didn't bother to save all those documents to my hard drive.
If I am wrong about anything I've posted I can assure you and everyone else that it is entirely unintentional. As SteveP rightly says, it's up to others to make their own minds up about what I or anyone else writes in our reviews or posts but I do so with every good intention to network and share in this community - To try and give back some of what I gain in knowledge and help from others.
I honestly try my best not to misinform but I am only human. I think that everyone here will agree that whenever I discover I have made a mistake I'm not so proud I can't admit it and I always correct it if I can.