So as you know the car's still quite new, and as yet haven't needed to clean the interior yet. But with all this wet/snowy weather I got a bit damp collecting the kids from school yesterday. Got home, parked up. Few minutes later I went back outside to get something I'd left in the car and saw this:

Yes, it's fogged up.....but if you look inside my yellow circles you can see the suction cup marks still on the screen from where it was installed at the factory

Tres cool thought I, grabbed camera and took the above shot. Notice there's nothing in the top right hand corner (top of passenger side screen)
being a picture whore I decided to jump in the car to take an interior shot and for some reason...the flash I assume... the circles just wont appear
but...something else did

only visable with a camera flash, like I said in the thread title....very Scooby Doo, take a look:

Without the flash you see nothing! So what do you reckon it was for? I would guess it's not a label for the glass as there's too much information and it's on the inside, so would lead me to thinking it's something to do with delivery or production
flipped and darkened: