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Author Topic: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....  (Read 20213 times)

Offline RedRobin

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Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« on: September 13, 2010, 06:34:53 pm »
I've been using a compact Fuji FinePix 200EXR for about a year, possibly longer, and many moons ago used professional Nikon and then Canon film cameras. I recognise and accept the limitations of my digital 200EXR and am extremely pleased how I can always pocket it and so be able to get a shot. In June I built a small wildlife pond in my garden which already supports a wide range of wildlife as I do not manicure it and don't think that there is such a thing as a weed. As I think my "RR's Wildlife Portfolio" thread illustrates, the FinePix is quite good in Macro mode but I miss the ability to set a speed and let the aperture automatically settle in correct exposure - I can do this in Manual mode but it's not accurate enough and I've seen no values inbetween f:3.5 and f:9! Furthermore, the Autofocus can be awkward and tends to evaluate over all the image instead of a tight centrally aimed spot. It's zoom power is also limited.

I'm not in a hurry to change camera but am looking ahead and thinking I might like a Leica compact. I don't mind spending up to around £650 if I get what I need.

A member here, andrewparker, has suggested the Panasonic Lumix GF1 and I think that it has a Leica lens. Does anyone here have experience of such cameras, please? 


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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2010, 07:05:55 pm »
If you want manual focus/aperture/speed and a Leica lens the best option is a Leica X1, but it's about twice your budget. It's a brilliant camera though, with a fast prime 24mm lens and a huge sensor for such at small camera (APS-C sensor). It's about a third of the size of the Leica M that I carry around, if you remember how big that is - I can bring that to the meet. It also has the options (unusual for a prime-lensed Leica) for automatic focus/aperture/speed or any combination of the three.

Some pics taken by it (randomly from flickr)

Another option is a micro four-thirds camera like the Lumix GF1 that andrewparker suggested. There's a few Leica lenses available for it, but the sensor isn't as big as the APS-C sensor in the X1. It is about half the price though. I've not used one before, but I don't think it has a manually-settable aperture or speed, but you can manually focus the lens through an electronic viewfinder.

Just some thoughts. I'd spend the extra on the X1 myself (having played with one, it is a seriously lovely and beautiful piece of kit), but I'm a bit less sensible with my money than some  :happy2:

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2010, 07:27:59 pm »

Just some thoughts. I'd spend the extra on the X1 myself (having played with one, it is a seriously lovely and beautiful piece of kit), but I'm a bit less sensible with my money than some  :happy2:

....I'm rather like you when it comes to spending money (mine as well as anybody else's) - I usually lock Captain Sensible in the garden shed and ignore his screaming - It's why I changed my order from a grey Mk5 Golf TDI to a throbbin red GTI.

The Leica X1 sounds as if it does exactly what I'm seeking and is a good compact size so I never leave it at home - Could be a camera I never need to change in the future. Hmmm... Perhaps I don't need to mod my car any further!

[Goes off to Google "Leica X1"..................]

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Offline andrewparker

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2010, 07:30:55 pm »
I've read reviews that suggest the GF1 is a better camera than the X1, regardless of cost. It's shortcomings, particularly it's operational speed (worth bearing in mind if wildlife photography is being shot) would certainly rule it out for me.

This is a great review -

Another option is a micro four-thirds camera like the Lumix GF1 that andrewparker suggested. There's a few Leica lenses available for it, but the sensor isn't as big as the APS-C sensor in the X1. It is about half the price though. I've not used one before, but I don't think it has a manually-settable aperture or speed, but you can manually focus the lens through an electronic viewfinder.

The settings are essentially exactly the same as on a dSLR, so you have independent control over shutter speed, aperture etc, and fully manual focus through the lens barrel.

My Dad has the GF1 and it is seriously good. I use a Nikon D300 at work, and my personal camera is a Nikon D90, however my next travel camera is almost certainly going to be a GF1.

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2010, 08:04:12 pm »
As of tomorrow Robin my new hobby starts. I have been bitten by the photography bug as well, and my DSLR arrives tomorrow, i have spent a few weeks researching and i am very excited now waiting for it to arrive tomorrow. There is a lot too learn, even learning  to operate the camera is going to take a while. But the more research i do, the more i am getting drawn in.

I found this, how to link, incredibly useful in understanding how to manually operate a camera. I think it will be months before i even have a basic understanding of photography, but bring it on i say. I can't wait.  :jumpmove:

   Link :

My choice of camera has been the Canon 550D, because it has HD video as well, which is perfect for capturing my Son growing up.  :pomppomp:

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2010, 08:49:59 pm »
^^ Beware, photography can be as harsh on the wallet as your car!

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2010, 08:54:45 pm »
^^ Beware, photography can be as harsh on the wallet as your car!

Tell me about it, i have already had to buy lots of accessories and i haven't even got a decent lens yet.  :grin:

Offline Hedge

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2010, 09:04:05 pm »
Nice read TC. I really enjoyed reading books by a guy called Bryan Peterson, particularly Understanding Exposure.

Offline cmdrfire

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2010, 09:04:42 pm »
x2! What's it with all these expensive hobbies  :laugh:

I've read reviews that suggest the GF1 is a better camera than the X1, regardless of cost. It's shortcomings, particularly it's operational speed (worth bearing in mind if wildlife photography is being shot) would certainly rule it out for me.

This is a great review -

The settings are essentially exactly the same as on a dSLR, so you have independent control over shutter speed, aperture etc, and fully manual focus through the lens barrel.

My Dad has the GF1 and it is seriously good. I use a Nikon D300 at work, and my personal camera is a Nikon D90, however my next travel camera is almost certainly going to be a GF1.

That's a great review you linked to, incidentally - I particularly like:
About halfway through the trip I realized something strange was happening — the people I photographed were looking me in the eyes. Indeed, they could see my eyes! I had spent so long traveling with a DSLR strapped to my face that I had forgotten about true eye contact.

For better or worse, a camera without a viewfinder is less intimidating. You are no longer half-human half-camera. You're all human with a tiny play thing in your hand.

I notice this a lot with my M, which is why I prefer using it to my 5dII. Definitely <3 rangefinder cameras over viewfinder cameras.

For what it's worth, dpreview rated the X1 very slightly higher than the GF1, but concluded that largely because of the huge price difference, the GF1 made much more sense. I guess the thing to do is to have a play with both (I know at least two places in London that have an X1 in stock Robin) and see what your preference is.

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2010, 09:36:17 pm »
Nice read TC. I really enjoyed reading books by a guy called Bryan Peterson, particularly Understanding Exposure.

Just ordered this big fella. Thank you kindly.  :happy2:

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2010, 09:49:30 pm »
I'm a Nikon guy and currently running a D90 with several lens'  :evilgrin:

God damn expencive hobby though  :ashamed:

Offline andrewparker

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2010, 10:14:18 pm »
Thankfully though if stuff is well looked after it generally never loses value. I recently sold a 10 - 20mm Sigma lenses for more than I bought it for 3 years ago.

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2010, 10:24:01 pm »
Nice read TC. I really enjoyed reading books by a guy called Bryan Peterson, particularly Understanding Exposure.

Now why doesn't that surprise me Big Man!

Offline Hedge

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2010, 10:30:57 pm »
Nice read TC. I really enjoyed reading books by a guy called Bryan Peterson, particularly Understanding Exposure.

Now why doesn't that surprise me Big Man!

Not in a bad way though.  :ashamed:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Camera Advice Would Be Appreciated....
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2010, 10:43:51 pm »
I've just finished watching telly: "The Trouble With The Pope" followed by "Dragons' Den" followed by "The Inbetweeners", oh and the first 5 minutes of "The Gadget Show" with a hot blonde presenter Pollyanna(?)  :drool:.... And I'm about to read this review of the X1:

Some great info posted here  :drinking:

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