I found this, how to link, incredibly useful in understanding how to manually operate a camera. I think it will be months before i even have a basic understanding of photography, but bring it on i say. I can't wait. 
....I've always thought, and said, you've got a natural talent, TC - You've got an eye for composition and communication and colour. As far as technicality is concerned, all photography involves is a balance between light and time: A large lens opening (small f-value) + a short exposure time (shutter speed) = a small lens opening (large f-value) + a long exposure time (shutter speed).. But each has different properties such as the focus depth of field and ability to freeze motion.
The great thing about digital photography is that you can experiment and learn what does what without the costs of film processing and printing.

Once you've bought the gear, photography needn't be expensive unless you have to invest in enough gear to offer professional services - But then it can earn you money. I was primarily a graphic designer and art director who occasionally sold my own photos but knew my limitations and hired specialist professionals or selected from commercial photo libraries.