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Author Topic: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.  (Read 7768 times)

Offline dajonic

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Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« on: September 15, 2010, 10:32:43 am »
My cars at VW right now. In to test the boost problems I had on the rolling road. I was led to believe that to test for this the system is pressurised and then 'smoke' is introduced to highlight any leaks from where it escapes. When I booked in the car I talked about this procedure and they seemed to acknowledge this. However taking it in this morning and speaking to one of the techicians quote ' I've been here 18 years and I've never seen or done this'.

So does anyone on here have experience of having this done or any VW people on here can confirm this is a load of rubbish.

In the mean time they're going for test drives and logging any data. 


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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 10:36:11 am »
Jim @ JKM talked about doing this on my old Octavia when I had problems. Not sure if he did or not though.

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 11:00:42 am »
sounds reasonable, it depends what 'issues' you had on the RR tbh.
a failed DV wouldnt show anything on the 'smoke' test as it would just recirc.
normally the N75 curve throughout the rev range taken through logging would indicate if you have a leak or not.
I guess smoke would help find it if it wasnt the DV
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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 11:14:34 am »
Dave @ ADS did a smoke test on mine,

just the usual VW tech muppets that dont have a clue!  :rolleye:

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2010, 11:28:29 am »
I was told about this when trying to find issues with the Blue Bullet.

I will have a look when i get back from work and see if i still have the E-mail but im pretty sure i was advised to take it to a specialist as VAG Delears don't do it/have a clue about it.

Offline dajonic

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2010, 11:33:00 am »
Thanks for the replies guys. I need to talk to JKM because I'm booked in for the RR day in October and don't want the same problems with the DSG I had the last time.

As for the DV I had that replaced just the other week for the new piston type valve. I'm thinking it might be the waste gate letting go too early. I 'll post up the graphs from the rolling road to see  if it points to anything.

Does anyone know of a garage that does the smoke test around the Bristol area?

« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 11:42:49 am by dajonic »

Offline dajonic

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2010, 12:33:32 pm »
Does anyone have experience with the BSH PCV fix? I've just read this

"The prone to failure factory PCV system has long plagued this engine with poor mpg, rough idle, boost loss, and the dreaded oil spewing from the oil cap"

Giving the car a blast up and down on the dyno could maybe cause this to blow? I don't have any of the other symptoms except maybe a few less mpg but I thought that was more to do with being tuned slightly.

I've just rang VW and told them to check the N75 readings and Boost valve on the logs after searching the forum. Is this an easy fix?

Thanks again

Offline bacillus

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2010, 01:11:00 pm »
Yup, BSH PCV fix is an easy DIY fix.
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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2010, 01:44:45 pm »
Smoke test:

Used to do 3-4 a week when i worked at a main dealers.

Offline dajonic

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2010, 03:27:33 pm »
Smoke test:

Used to do 3-4 a week when i worked at a main dealers.

Cheers for that Dave, though the link takes me to something else.

And Bacillus, sorry mate I meant the boost valve on the turbo body. Is that an easy fix.

Thans again for everyones help.  :happy2:

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2010, 10:07:52 pm »
Hi Dave,

As I replied in my PM, you'll pick up all sorts of info from my thread about my turbo leak and how JKM solved it.

Basically, whoever solves it, it's a process of elimination and greatly helped by being able to check logs etc. The most cost economical way is to start testing the easy-to-get-at minor things and go on from there.

I'm not saying no-one else can solve such a problem but I have absolutely no hesitation whatsoever in very highly recommending JKM and I know others here would agree.

If you've got DSG, stick it in D the whole time and keep the revs well under 4,000 until you know more.

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Offline dajonic

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2010, 10:20:40 pm »
I got to say I'm heading down that route. I'm not impressed with VW so far. Ranging from confusion overthe smoke test, to saying it'll be done in the day, and now no contact, no car, and no idea if its even been looked at. Popping round first thing tomorrow morning and if they've not looked at it I'm taking it away.

Your link was spot on and after 110k miles probably looking at a crack developing in the casing.  I'd already messaged JKM about the rolling road day so will probably be heading down there on my next day off for a thorough investigation.

Thanks again  :happy2:

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2010, 10:40:20 pm »
Just like all garages and businesses, VW dealers vary in their abilities and their attitudes. They're all meant to achieve the same high standards, but. It's horses for courses and I'm very lucky in that my VW dealer is always the first to say I'd be better off going to one of the specialists I know. I also know that my VW dealer can do some things which other specialists/garages can't do.

Unless you think your VW dealer is a complete numpty and arsehole, don't burn your bridges by falling out with them. You get more with honey than with vinegar.

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Offline dajonic

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2010, 09:03:11 am »
Just got off the phone from the dealer, after yesterdays misunderstandings and this is what I was told today.

"Because the cars been mapped we can't plug in the diagnostics and run our software, as we don't want to change anything that I might been have done to the car. Can you take it to a specialist to look at"

Ok so A: I'm no expert on vcds/ but I would imagine logging etc you can do no matter whats been done to the car  :rolleye:

and B: Can you take it to an specialist...well I thought I was :fighting:

Back to square one :sad1:

At least I get to JKM twice now :happy2:

Robin you're right burning bridges is never a good idea but sometimes you need to have the bridge there in the first place.

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Re: Testing Boost leaks at the dealers.
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2010, 02:42:04 pm »
@ Dave:

Then JKM will be your best course of action - They're experts in such problems.

I can understand your VW dealer's stance - They're often not trained in sorting out such things on remapped/modified cars and their job time would cost you a lot more. It's the same principle as any manufacturer not being able to honour its warranty if you change what they supplied you. I can understand that.

In a way, your VW dealer is doing you a favour by suggesting you try elsewhere first. Horses For Courses, again.

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