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Audi International Castle Combe

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Good to see you Ian, you disappeared without warning though!  Need to chat further about camera's etc.

Still got too many coils though mate!

Saint Steve:

--- Quote from: simonp on October 09, 2010, 08:45:43 pm ---Some pics wot I took:

--- End quote ---

Tis Passworded??


--- Quote from: stokeballoon on October 10, 2010, 07:05:05 pm ---Good to see you Ian, you disappeared without warning though!  Need to chat further about camera's etc.

Still got too many coils though mate!

--- End quote ---

I see your point. Just think of them as spares  :wink:

I went and parked up at Quarry for a while and when I returned you had gone  :sad1:

Regarding camera's I use these guys. They are Nikon and Pentax pro dealers  :happy2:


--- Quote from: Saint Steve on October 10, 2010, 07:33:46 pm ---
--- Quote from: simonp on October 09, 2010, 08:45:43 pm ---Some pics wot I took:

--- End quote ---

Tis Passworded??
--- End quote ---

I do apologise, I didn't realise you had to register to see that section of the forum. I shall repost the pics in the photo section forthwith!


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