Some good pics of the Gloster Javelin on that first Vid, theres a cracking story in the biography of the Gloster Official Photographer who used to back seat in all the test aircraft, he tells the story about the senior test piot at Gloster at the time who had a bit of a ravaging at the hands of the press in London.....anyway the media feud continues until somebody at the daily express doubts the Javelins ability to go supersonic.....said test pilot straps the jet on and goes and "dumps" a rather savage double sonic boom on fleet street in the middle of a busy thursday and legend has it the only window that broke was the one whos office it was that had been giving the Javelin a hard time!
heard a couple of stories of Vulcans doing very low "passes" over russian "trawlers" that had a few too many antennas and never seemed to have the nets out - apparently there were a few windows shattered on board......RAF never received any complaints......wonder why...
Ahhhhhh Aviation in the 50's, ATC can literally know which buttons I have pressed from radar downlinks nowadays - very depressing