Hi all,
Just picked up my MY07 GTI (non ed30) overall pleased with it.
Previously owned a 330ci convertible. As far as build quality goes, its not far off the BMW.
Will be looking at at remap as soon as! Debating whether to go to stage 1 or directly to stage 2? Will not want to go higher than a stage 2 though.
Had a bit of a trawl through previous posts on remaps, can anyone advise where there is a decent REVO or equiv dealer in the Milton Keynes area?
Will stage 2 require a CBE or can i get away with leaving the standard system on and just upgrading the downpipe? Also other bare minimum upgrades to remap directly to stage 2 would be useful.

Money isnt really an issue, but if it doesn't 'need' replacing then why bother?
So far ive found the forum very useful and informative!
Keep up the good work guys!
