ARGH! what a sh*te week. it started off with my slamming into a kerb this morning, and damaging my polished lip!
then i got a letter thru on wednesday, notice of intended prosecution. apparently i drove over a verge on the motorway. didnt get pulled or anything. already batted that back by asking for evidence. argh!!!
so its not going too well right now.
then this morning, i was taking my grandma to the hairdressers, shes 88 and very frail, so we all try to chip in and help her out. anyways, ive parked on her drive getting out of the car. i was pulling her out and then the car started sliding away from us on the snow!
my gran decided to keep hold of the car. and we both went down in a heap whilst the car carried on sliding. Id be laughing about this ordinarily, but with my grans age and how frail she is, this was quite serious! shes very shook up, as i am i really, becuase of her.
Now, after that ordeal, i have a "best mate" traffic officer who love to pull me over and make my day in accrington

he does my for anything he can! anyways...this morning, he spotted me with my front numberplate. which id left on by accident from the Pod meet. I had a legal one on the back.
he passed me in town, sped around so that he could come behind me and follow me to work. anyways, sure as eggs are eggs, he followed me to work. pulled me over and issued me with a sumons to court! great stuff! "you do not have to say anything but anything you do say may be given in evidence" etc etc. i got the lot!
sorry to rant but ARGH!! what a bad do!