hmm, so whats the best oil to use then? i dont do high mileage, but dont want to be replacing the oil all the time either
I don't know if you missed the point. The thread title states 'Platinum' oil. This is really not suitable for GTI. Yes, Quantum Platinum
is 502.00 rated, which means it
can be used in the GTI (but ONLY on T&D servicing). However, the lowest common denomiator 502.00 oils are generally nothing more than glorified mineral oils. 502.00 was never designed for FSI direct injection (and nor were the 1st and 2nd generation VAG longlife oils).
Soooooo - you really, REALLY need to be using a 504.00 oil. I hear your point that you are a low mileage driver, and I sympathise with that issue (I'm relatively low mileage in my RS4 at the mo). However, you do have a technically advanced engine, which even in standard tune is relatively high performance - and yours is modified and re-mapped! For your car (FSI, turbo, modified) - and whilst I don't know your personal driving style, I would imagine

you still like to explore its full potential - then my recommendation would still be to use one of the top quality 504.00 oils such as Castrol Edge 5w30 (or its BP rebrand - BP Visco 7000 5w30), Fuchs Titan GT1 LongLife 3, Motul Specific 504.00 507.00, Pentosin Pento Super Performance 3, or Total Quartz INEO 504-507. If you honestly feel you cant splash out on those premuim brews, then Quantum Longlife 3 5w30 is perfectly acceptable.
But to anyone reading this, never, EVER use Carlube (which GSF and ECP supply) or Comma lubes - in ANY type of car, or even your lawn mower! Neither are certified by Volkswagen, dispite them both making claims they are. And what's even worse, they both claim API certification - which again is blatant lies - you need to be officially certified by the API to make these claims, API have an online searchable database - and neither are licensed! Anyone who knows anything about motor oils will tell you that API standards are grossly low compared to European oil standards (ACEA) - and if an oil can't even meet those lowly API standards - then how dare they claim they can meed VW (and/or BMW, MB, GM, Reno, PSA, etc) OEM standards. SHAME on GSF and ECP for stocking and selling this shyte! <rant over>