Oh does he still live at home with mummy and daddy then 
Why do you? sorry jonny but as a father myself if i see my son in a 50k car and he is at home then he will be told to get himself a house and stop taking the p1ss
easy life living at home with mummy and daddy
I really dont think your sons wage/value of vehicle should be a determining point on when he should be leaving the family nest. Although it is non of your business but my old man has prostate cancer, so me living at home ensures the mortgage along with any other bills will always be paid on time and he along with my mum wont have extra worries on their mind.
Like jonny im sick and tired of people assuming that either my parents bought me the car, im a drug dealer, or can only afford the car because I live at home.
I have the car I have due to the blood sweat and tears ive put into working. The early morning starts, the late nights, the skipped lunches, the weekends and the bank holidays. Nothing more nothing less, ive worked hard for everything ive got, and have never had a hand out for anything, and whether I was living at home or not, I would still have RS.
Pov, get that downpipe on and make the 500 club. If only to see Wayne's face
Nice car mate. Enjoy it.
Haha hat one wont fit, will probably get the milltek downpipe and maybe do the rest custom, I want to hear her sing!!
Nice one Jas 
Look forward to the review once mapped.
Guess your still the fastest Gas Engineer. 
Yeah I cant wait to map her. Still need to do a write up about how she is compared to the stage 2 plus k1. Will get round to it at some point!
Im actually now the 4th guy in my patch with a mk2 TT, they dont live at home though

Looking sweet mate bet you love it! I had a nice look round it yday at Players but couldnt see you!
I had a look around yours, which I had your seats and love the rotiforms along with the suzuka!
looked nice y'day mate
had a quick look round it with ben
i was with ben when u came in and also left before coming back again lol
LOL ye me and wayne tried to sneak onto the time trial event with the TT lol