On my old shape S3, I had Revo (after having it on my Ibiza Cupra as well) and teh car didn't like it at all. It had flat spots and was very jurky with all the power being delivered in a big lump low down. I swapped it with an AMD remap and it suited me much better. It was very smooth and progressive without the big all or nothing bang that I got from Revo on my Ibiza and S3.
I'm not sure what the Revo map is like on the mk5 as I have not been in one with it yet so I'm not sure how much hasd changed in the last 5 years. All the cars I have driven with Revo (mk1 S3, mk1 TT225, mk4 GTI, Ibiza Cupra, Leon Cupra R) had a massive shove when the turbo came on boost low down which was great for 'feeling' faster but lowsy for traction on a FWD car. Back in my seatcupra.net days there was a guy I knew who had a superchips remap on his Ibiza which we all laughed at him for because he was 20bhp down on Revo, Jabba, AMD etc but his was still easily the fastest on the road.
Bottom line, test before you buy and get what's right for you as you might like what I hate.. and vice versa