GTSport, yeah that's what i've done - always let it warm up for a minute or two and usually, like redrobin, let the revs drop below 1000 to 900(ish) and the tick over has quietened down a bit.
I usually allow a few minutes for the engine / turbo to warm up and oil to circulate a little,
(i know the manual says not to but I like the idea im helping to preserve / look after my engine)
....Does the Handbook actually say not to, or does it say that you don't need to?
If i remember rightly it says we don't have to as the turbo doesn't really require any warming up - same goes for cooling down. I spoke to someone who used to work for vw in Germany and they said the mk5 gti's turbo doesn't need any "cooling down" time or allow time for it to stop spooling as it does this (mechanically?electronically?) after you've turned the ignition off by allowing oil to continue to circulate or something im scracting my head to try and remember the exact words used at this time in the morning.
Its a well documented argument with most people ending up saying "i do it for peace of mind" which is fine because even I do, but its essentially why we don't have or need a turbo timer :)
The situation I had was in cold day the engine was still cold and I stepped on it too hard and had no power even though the engine was properly warmed up at some stage. It felt like driving 60 bhp car. Thought something was wrong but once turned off and on ignition the power was back
That's exactly how it felt! but mine did boost up and everything went sweet

maybe it is just because it's very cold.
I don't plan on being late for work again so hopefully won't need to worry about pulling away so quickly. Either that or tuck my car up for the night in a car sheet and stuff a hot water bottle under the hood

p.s redrobin im on a manual, so nooo dsg for me! Yeah, I didn't know why they did that! personally I think they could go one step better than both oil and water temp and put a oil pressure gauge as a default gauge! I'd rather know my pressure is going AWOL than the others.