General > Detailing

removing tar spots

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Does anybody know of a shampoo that removes tar marks, with my car being white they show up really well :laugh:, there are spots all over the car, or is it a case of using one of the tar removing products in localised areas

Just use a cloth soaked in petrol, then wrinse then polish the area.

For my job as a cable jointer we have to take tar off the lead cables to get to the live and nutrul we warm the cable up first but would take the tar off cold and the are called p/h wipes a 100% alcohol based. they come in a big bucket but could pull a few off and send you sum through the post if you send me a a4 lope and a sealed bag :happy2:

If you were planning on claying the car, then the clay would get rid of it also!

Autosmart Tardis. Or do you want to stay away from anything that will remove your existing protection?


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