General > Detailing

removing tar spots

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did really as I'm not big into detailing, don't have the spare time, is there no shampoo type stuff that will shift it. I'm using megs gold class at the minute

Maybe megs with a good soak and warm water will remove it. No hassle to apply an AIO maybe klasse for ease to one panel after tho. Poss peel the tar gently with your nail as you wash. :)

cheers fellas


--- Quote from: CarrG on February 06, 2009, 07:15:14 pm ---Autosmart Tardis. Or do you want to stay away from anything that will remove your existing protection?

--- End quote ---

I have this stuff but you have to buy it in 3l container, works you see it melt away :happy2:
If i can find a suitable container i will send you some Gaz.

thats very decent of you keith :happy2:


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