Depends what you actually want. I like a phone to be a phone and for that reason, I have one of these:

I used to have an iphone but it's not really a phone... it's a small computer with loads of features and functions with a phone in it. I like a small phone that is slim and easy to use as a phone with not much in the way of gimmicks.
If you want to have an internet browser, games machine, loads of apps etc and sometimes use the phone then yes the iphone is for you. If you want a phone that sometimes is used for these other features, then I'd look elsewhere

I remember when the craze was for smaller and smaller phones and I liked this as it's less of a bulk in my pocket. Now the craze is for more and more things and the phone's size has increased again which I don't like.
Give me back my old Nokia 8210, that was the right size for a mobile