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Author Topic: Best prices for the RNS 510 c LED and you experiences of them.  (Read 1530 times)

Offline dub_master77

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Best prices for the RNS 510 c LED and you experiences of them.
« on: September 26, 2010, 03:38:19 am »
After my previous post of finding out if the RNS 510 C LED will fit into the Mark 6 Golf as well as the Mark 5, I have now decided to take the plunge and get one.  What kind of prices are people paying out there for these items and what are your experiences of them.  Mostly interested in faults and problems that they may have caused.  One of the well known people on the site (I am not sure if they want to be mentioned so to be on the safe side I wont mention who they are) has kindly given me an idea of what people are paying for the item but the more people that get involved the better both for me and anyone who may be in the same scenario.

Thanks once again.