All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

My 170 GT TDI

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Thanks all!  :smiley:   shadow blue was a gamble for me, I chose it from off a Fox of all things sat in the showroom at the time when I ordered him but I think I made the right choice  :happy2:

Cannot wait for the spring to get out and get him clean and polished again!  and get some more toys for him too hehe  :jumping:

Thats a superb looking colour!

He/Him?  :surprised:

That just sounds weird  :rolleye:

Lovely looking car Lynsey, the colour is  :drool: The metallic looks lush!  :happy2:


--- Quote from: Greenouse on February 07, 2009, 11:30:17 pm ---He/Him?  :surprised:
That just sounds weird  :rolleye:

--- End quote ---

Like when a guy refers to his car as a "she". Girls refer to them as "he".

My sister calls her car Stan. Her laptop's clive!

looking good Lynsey you need to bring it to dco  :happy2:


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