All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

rich83 - Edition 30..... Breaking

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Good pics mate Im going to have to find out how to load them :happy2:

Looks great. Fantastic camera skills. Keep up the good work  :happy2:


--- Quote from: richwig83 on September 26, 2010, 09:16:58 pm ---Ahhhh thanks guys... i'm glad you all approve.

Here are a few more pics...

An "out with the old... in with the new" shot

It just gets better.... i put a tank of shell premium in and i'm sure it runs better, seems quieter up to the redline!

Not going to mod it too much... on the list are - WALK kit, rear arb, brakes, remap... and that should do it!

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Cracking pics!! :happy2:

Just picked up a 2nd hand WALK kit for 100quid!  :smiley:


--- Quote from: maxitrol on September 26, 2010, 10:21:33 pm ---Excellent photos as norm Rich..your car looks stunning in them photos ..have to meet up and do a joined one some time

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take it this is a no then :sad1:


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