All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

rich83 - Edition 30..... Breaking

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That's a funky price!  I like Lemforder stuff and their online catalogue makes it easy to get all the part numbers to cross ref on ebay.

I will be watching this as I need to do the same to mine.  It'll be nice to have a pert rear end again.

Indeed it will. :-)

I know that new GTI's (Mk7 & 8) have their own bushing with different stifness and references compared with the non GTI's versions but on Mk5 are all the same. At least is what I concluded when searching for the front ones.

I bought the Meyle, good too.

Who is the ebay seller you used for your Lemforder parts?  Cheers!


--- Quote from: Pudding on November 22, 2021, 12:19:16 pm ---Who is the ebay seller you used for your Lemforder parts?  Cheers!

--- End quote ---

It was a private seller unfortunately


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