All Things Mk5 > Members Rides

rich83 - Edition 30..... Breaking

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Aha, the fuel filter screw is a torx. No wonder I couldn't get it off as I tried a 7mm socket  :grin:

Looks like your plugs have done 100K as well! I'm surprised the coils didn't blow trying to spark those mighty gaps  :grin:

Yeah looks like one of the coil seals isn't doing a great job.


The time has come. It needs to go. Either in bits or as is. It's in a bit of a mess cosmetically after a front  end bash. It has a new bonnet and wing it just needs a bumper and paint 

Let me know if there is anything you want off it. I'll put a full list of the spec up soon, but I think you can see all the stuff that's on it via my profile maybe.


 :sad1:Sad to see the car is gone

Sad news Rich


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