Bit late now but as for the front lights, MY06 and before had 3 bulbs one for each passenger and general one, after it was dropped to just two one for each passenger.
Sorry to hear about your brake Rich how did you manage to keep up with the Clio's?
Ahh thanks for clearing that one up... i was sure my old 2005 car had 3 bulbs!

Ive got over the caliper coat cracking now, they work and thats the main thing (even though they really shouldnt have cracked at all

Keeping up with the clios was tough, they are just so much more agile (maybe slightly bigger gonads too)... but the advantage of having a turbo is apparent when on the straights. Horses for courses!
Beddie.. i might adjust the rear ARB to stiff when i'm back at home next, see how it effects things.

Funny comment from one of the guys when i had my car on idle to let the turbo cool down "Turn you car off.... it sounds like a diesel"