I had brand new replicas exactly like these on my gti when I purchased it last year from a main dealer. They were awful, I only cover c500 miles a month and within 6 weeks they were chipped and the lacquer had also started to peel and flake off. The number of weights required to balance the wheels is ridiculous and can spoil the look. Personally I would pay the extra for the genuine article, or if you can wait, pick up some second hand ones and refurb if necessary. In the end I purchased some BBS VZ's from PW Motorsport for about £550 for a set. The quality is significantly better, plus the wheels are lighter and have stood the previous harsh winter much better than replicas. I guess it's all about what you are preapred to pay. Another option would be buy the replicas, but only with a view that they will last a couple of years. Then you can buy another nice new set with a different look in two years time!