I've had a fairly busy day today. As the misses was at work and the nipped at nursery I thought it would be a good idea to do some work on the car. I had planned to do:
Clutch slave cylinder
Fit TT hubs
New track rod ends
Fit rear wiper blank
New plugs
Finish fitting oil temp gauge
Make a battery tray and fit oddessy 40
The clutch has never been right and for the last 6 months or so its been doing all sorts of odd stuff. I changed the master but this made no difference. Pissed me off loads last week so it was time to take box out and change the slave.

I also remembered there was a restrictor in the bleeding housing so I took that out too. Clutch feels ok so far and its much smoother. Hopefully its the end of my problems.

New BKR8EIX's gapped down fitted.

Next up was the TT hubs. Old ones came off fine. New ones took an age to get on. The standard rod ends don't fit the hubs and neither do the S3 ends (S3 and the standard rods are the same but strangely cheaper!). The only real way to fit the TT hubs is with the TT tie arms and rod ends, or as I pissed around doing, make it work as I want them on and I want to go home tonight! Made some inserts until I can make up some rose jointed ends or fork out for the TT bits. The hubs are soooo much better than the S3 and standard hubs. Lower ball joint mounts drop the angle of the lower arms and they have a lower rod end point making the tie arms flat. This helps with bump steer.
This show the lower mounting points:

And fitted with new temp rod ends anyway

At the moment I can only get -1.75 degs neg camber at the front as the tie arms run out of threads to get the toe correct. There is more camber available on the wishbones, but to do so would comprise safety.
Out on the road the difference is noticeable straight away. Sharper turn up, less bump steer, less dipping under braking and the car runs flatter in the corners. They get my vote, just need to sort the rod ends and arms to make sure they will work to their full potential.
And I got the wiper blank fitted too and started to make the new battery tray. This will get rid of the plastic one. Then I was told to get home!