Ignore the date on this graphic below, but here's the info from last year's session:

This list is of definite attendees: If it needs revision or addition, please post to let me know.
ON THE ROLLERS: (JKM will decide order on the day)
1 - RedRobin
2 - Saint Steve
3 - vRSy
4 - vRS Carl
5 - muckipup
6 - S2 ant
7 - theo
8 - chungster
9 - stealthwolf
10 - BlueGraphite
11 - Thor
12 - cmdrfire
13 - dajonic
14 - WhiteGTI
15 - Teutonic_Tamer
16 - ianjmclean
17 - jacknelle
18 - Robert74
19 - chrishalfpenny
20 - Gti_Mad
21 - Paul (Thor's friend with RS)
22 - Mandy
- Hedge
- vRStu
- Janner_Sy
- uk_stu