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Rolling Road Meet @ JKM - October 16th - Final List....

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--- Quote from: simonp on October 18, 2010, 09:57:01 pm ---
Uh oh, he's on the slippery slope, someone find some spiky shoes quickly! :grin:

--- End quote ---

....I noticed he had something on his roof. Perhaps so he can turn his car upside down and ski faster down the slippery slope   :evilgrin:

Gone through pics and videos, we have some good stuff  :happy2:

Some pics up first!

Chungster's super-clean Scirocco R:

Graphite Blue GTI

The Modfather himself, Robin! (I'm very pleased with how this pic turned out Rob!)

Now for some rollers! I modified the pic of Robin's car to make the red very vibrant, means the colour balance is all wrong though  :rolleye:

And some more!

My baby!

LED DRLs looking mean on chungster's .:R

WhiteGTI's not-white not-GTI

Couple more to go up, probably tomorrow. Then video editing time!
Hires of pics is available here!

Cheers for organising Robin!

Great pics, Neo!

Particularly cool angle on the rollers and I love that one of mine.

[btw, I sent you a PM yesterday]

That blue one is Graphite Blue. There was a Shadow Blue one there as well, but that ain't it.

Great photos Neo!


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