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Rolling Road Meet @ JKM - October 16th - Final List....

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Looking forward to this  :happy2:


--- Quote from: WhiteGTI on October 02, 2010, 07:56:01 am ---Looking forward to this  :happy2:

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Yup looking forward to that sweet straight 6 motor of yours being revved the nuts off for all to hear too lol as well as mine actually to see what difference that noise flap makes on the exhaust  :happy2:


--- Quote from: Hedge on October 02, 2010, 07:17:37 am ---
We could met up beforehand for a light breakfast if that floats your boat :wink:

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....Now that sounds like a good idea  :happy2:  Any ideas/suggestions where?


--- Quote from: Saint Steve on October 02, 2010, 07:16:56 am ---Sainsburys at Hedge End m27 Jaz if you like, as like we have done in the past  :happy2:

7.45-8am ish  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

This ones handy and easy to find  :party:

Unlike you to suggest a bit of nosebag en route H  :evilgrin:

Tollbar Way
Hedge End
SO30 2UH


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