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Rolling Road Meet @ JKM - October 16th - Final List....

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Saint Steve:
Cant believe its this coming Saturday!!!

Looking foward to this :party:

Weather forecast looks settled too :jumping:

I may turn up as a speckled tater if that's OK? Re: the map link above; is that the Sainsburys, the McD's or both?

Saint Steve:

--- Quote from: simonp on October 11, 2010, 03:11:38 pm ---I may turn up as a speckled tater if that's OK? Re: the map link above; is that the Sainsburys, the McD's or both?

--- End quote ---

Yes thats the Mc'd's that we will meet at in hedge End, behind Sainsburys  :happy2:


--- Quote from: Saint Steve on October 11, 2010, 02:35:12 pm ---
Weather forecast looks settled too :jumping:

--- End quote ---

....Oh dear! That means I'll have no excuse not to clean her.

Saint Steve:

--- Quote from: RedRobin on October 11, 2010, 06:01:44 pm ---
--- Quote from: Saint Steve on October 11, 2010, 02:35:12 pm ---
Weather forecast looks settled too :jumping:

--- End quote ---

....Oh dear! That means I'll have no excuse not to clean her.

--- End quote ---

Yes, want to see her as red as my photoshop'd Sig pic Robin  :laugh:


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