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Rolling Road Meet @ JKM - October 16th - Final List....

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Saint Steve:

--- Quote from: RedRobin on October 12, 2010, 04:52:48 pm ---
--- Quote from: Mandy on October 12, 2010, 01:35:47 pm ---
Robin: I want to put my car on the rollers but I need to be back in Southampton by lunchtime. If that's possible, can you add me to the list, not to worry if not.  :smiley:

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Only u Robin :laugh:
....I can feel ya fluttering your eyelashes from 100 miles away! I'll make sure get back to Southampton before you change into a pumpkin, Cinders  :happy2:

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--- Quote from: ianjmclean on October 09, 2010, 08:54:06 pm ---
--- Quote from: cmdrfire on October 03, 2010, 06:08:15 pm ---Surrey miniconvoy down there? Or are we rendezvousing at the M27 thingy?

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I'll be coming down the A3, be keen to meet up somewhere between M25 and the A31 turn off outside Guildford, mainly because I don't have sat nav and am rubbish at map reading!!   :stupid:

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is a surrey convoy happening anywhere?

@lapman, Meeting at Meadows Tesco , just outside Camberley, at 0815.


--- Quote from: lapman on October 12, 2010, 08:14:48 pm ---
is a surrey convoy happening anywhere?

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....You haven't posted or told me that you want to attend, so you're currently not on the list either for the dyno or as a spectator...


--- Quote from: lapman on October 12, 2010, 08:14:48 pm ---
--- Quote from: ianjmclean on October 09, 2010, 08:54:06 pm ---
--- Quote from: cmdrfire on October 03, 2010, 06:08:15 pm ---Surrey miniconvoy down there? Or are we rendezvousing at the M27 thingy?

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I'll be coming down the A3, be keen to meet up somewhere between M25 and the A31 turn off outside Guildford, mainly because I don't have sat nav and am rubbish at map reading!!   :stupid:

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is a surrey convoy happening anywhere?

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Camberley is a bit out of my way. I'll be fuelling up at the BP Station\Little Chef on the southbound A3 at Ripley between 7.45 and 8.15, so might see some of you there  :happy2:


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