a Boxster S and a VW R32, both with temp tags, were hauling ass through L.A. rush hour traffic together, north on Robertson Boulevard. As they came to Pico, they managed to somehow run into each other. Miraculously, no one got injured in the carnage that followed. The Boxster suffered a bad hit to the front passenger side, but the R32 slid into some cars waiting in the left turn lane going the other direction, and..

Yes, the R32 managed to climb competely up and over the Camry, and land on the hood of the Corolla. There were two women and a young child in the Camry, all three walked away without a scratch.

LA Fire and Rescue had to bring in their crane truck to pick the R32 up and off the Camry..

The two lovely young men driving the Porsche and the VW looked to be related.

mine just got that little bit rarer