The number of years required to have it appreciate in the 'modern classic' way of things is disproportionate to the joy you'll rob yourself of in the time you own it waiting for the value to climb. Far too many years for that to be meaningful. In another 20 years or so it may be different.
I have the DSG version of which I think 70 odd were made. I love it, I care for it, I lavish money on it (£10k to date in parts and labour) and I use it.
They're a fabulous car modified if done right, ameliorated is the right word here . It also holds it's own against the mk7 GTI we have. One soothes you and can do as you ask on the road within reason and the other feels like it's looking for a fight. I wouldn't want it any other way, it eclipses the mk7 if you analyse it as a drivers car. Can't see myself selling anytime soon and I'm into my 5th year, which is also something of a miracle

Be the person that has the best out of it rather than pass on an acquisition