General > Detailing
fresh paint
yep, thats the one. the solvents need time to evaporate. waxing over would stop this and the paint wouldnt properly harden!
and yep..i wanna see pics too! ;)
I swear I remember reading over at DW that waxes were okay but sealants not? (again all to do with breathing and allowing it to cure).
Mark M:
This isn't necessarily true regarding curing time.
When you get a car/part painted, it is baked in an oven.
Then it is flat sanded to remove imperfections, and then polished with a machine polisher (usually to a poor standard by bodyshops).
Was the panel baked?
So, really, if it has swirls in it, you can machine polish, then glaze/pre wax, then polish.
ive found panels that have been baked to not be fully cured.
a half decent body shop would bake it, but even just for my own piece of mind, i leave my parts 6 weeks.
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