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Author Topic: Any one use a Dice i-VW-R with an MFD2 HU??  (Read 1353 times)

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Any one use a Dice i-VW-R with an MFD2 HU??
« on: October 06, 2010, 01:21:25 pm »
Im trying to sort an Ipod connection out, have read a load of previous threads but some date back a few years and links have expired etc.

I have an 05 reg with, MFD2, Armrest 6 disc changer and Highline comp (I think!)

Started searching for Dension gateway 100's and came accross the above version, just wandering if anyone has any experience of the kit or whether I should stick to the recommended Dension Gateway. Either way its looking like spending 000's from what I have found online new!
