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MK5GolfGTI Forum Meet @ Santa Pod - Southern Convoy

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What time are you meeting at South Mimms?  Im contemplating making my way to the Pod but this will be dependant upon the amount I consume Saturday night....  :grin:

Let's get this convoy sorted boys - I think dartford/blackwall/south mimms is for a seperate south-east convoy (stopped by south mimms on the way up to Awesome from Canterbury once).

South-west-Londoners, I imagine we'll be taking M25/M1. Hedge I imagine you'll be going up the M3? What most of us can do is meet at the BP in Bagshot (not the BP at Egham) which is close to the A322. We can go up there, hit the M3, and then onto the M25. I think that the BP in Bagshot is going to be most central for everyone, having a rough guess where Mitch and Dom will be coming from. How's that sound?

Yeah I was hoping poverty or P10YRS would get back to me, im in Kent so its slightly longer way round to meet up with you lot.  Although if the meeting point was on the M1 then all could join up together.  What time were you thinking of meeting at bagshot?

Right will be leaving the blackwall area at 6am. Then from there will be meeting the others at dartford train station, and head on round the m25 with the next stop being south mimms.  The aim will be to get to the pod for 9am, as its looking to be a busy one and want to get in plenty of runs.

This is the route I will be taking. If anyone wishes to meet at Toddington then that will service both southern convoys.  :popcornsoda:

Does help if you actually post the link as well  :ashamed:


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