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Another GT170

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Thanks for the positive comments guys - car has standard everything apart from the Remap - although my car hasn;t been on the rolling road other GT170's with the chippedUK fast road map seem to consistently give 205 / 330 as a readout - so i've made an assumtion

i RR'd mine with CUKs "fast" road map. it only gave 180bhp and 285ft/lb. a fraction better than most of them standard! it might just be my car?? :S


Chipped UK  :sleepy:


--- Quote from: RobMKV on February 17, 2009, 11:31:00 am ---Chipped UK  :sleepy:

--- End quote ---

amen brother!


--- Quote from: JPC on February 17, 2009, 11:37:59 am ---
--- Quote from: RobMKV on February 17, 2009, 11:31:00 am ---Chipped UK  :sleepy:

--- End quote ---

amen brother!

--- End quote ---

I'll third that  :sleepy:


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