PS3 is usless for everything except being a giant expensive paper weight! 
I agree.... and I own one!
I have both XBox360 and PS3 and only ever play on the Xbox really. The PS3 gets used for DVDs in the bedroom but then the DVD player could play that role better. The PS3 is too noisy to be used as a dedicated movie machine and it's just not as good or asy to use as the Xbox for games so I'm left wondering why I still have it!
And why does it take 15 mins to do any update on the PS3 but only a few seconds on the Xbox?????
The PS3 really isn't really very loved these days. I have one of the new slims and it makes a fantastic blu ray player, I love uncharted 2 but I still think my xbox is a much better gaming machine. Better quality controller, a better range of games and everyone seems to have a 360 and be online. My friends list on the xbox is 56 people, my ps3 has 1

It also doesn't need a 15 minute update everytime i turn it on?? What is so wrong sony that there are so many updates??
I'm not bothered by gt5, the prologue version looked great but was awful, no fun at all.
I'll buy uncharted 3 when it comes along but I'm pretty sure there won't be another game in the next 18 months that i'll buy on the ps3