General > New Member Intro's
Hey all (I fear this may be my new home!)
--- Quote from: TomB on February 10, 2009, 06:13:24 pm ---Hey all,
I'm Tom, long time Golf lover and finally (well, as of Saturday), a Golf owner!
A few old timers may remember me from other forums as I've previously had Polos.,SEATs and a Corrado, my username on most was toXXin. Also if you're from Northampton you may know me as I work for GSF.
--- End quote ---
Now there's a blast from the past! Not seen you loitering on the forums for yonks! Welcome to the forum, you'll love it here! :happy2:
There are a few Northamptonians on here then, I wish I could escape but I've got too many family ties here.
Hello Claire, long time no see!!!
I do like the cloth, I've only ever had cloth in my previous cars, I think having leather has made me realise how nice it is. If I see a cheap set of heated Edition 30 seats, I may go for them :)
I've just ordered a VW iPod kit. I know they're a bit crap, but it'll bridge the gap until RCD510s come down in price. Now I need to work out how much the armrest changer's worth, and how to fill the hole on the cheap.
I've been doing some PR decoding and I've found that someone's taken the mats and the original 18s, but I've also found that it has a chilled glovebox, tyre warning indicator and coming home lights. Cool!
This is becoming the longest week of my life, 4.5 days and counting!
^^^ If you get rid of the CD Changer it is possible to replace the whole plastic cover for one with just a normal cubby hole type for around £35 according to the parts guy at my dealership, otherwise the only option I have found is the DIN type pocket but these don't fit the CD Changer hole very well at all. :happy2:
I will keep an eye out for you as well as I only live 10 miles south for Northampton :wink:
Thanks for the info Steve, I've been looking through ETOS (VAG version of ETKA which only shows whats fitted, a great perk of working for GSF) and can only see new bases or accessory ones. I will have to look harder!
When you say a DIN tray doesn't fit well, is that both length and width? You can buy cheap ones on eBay made of flimsy plastic so the surround can be chopped down to fit, and there are some that have a smaller sized pocket and a DIN sized surround. I was hoping I could modify one of those to fit. My other plan was to head to the scrapyards, there are loads of cars with trays fitted :)
My private reg will be on in a few weeks, if it ends in TAB, its probably me! :D
too hot:
Hi Tom and welcome to the forum.
I remember you when you were on the Corrado forum.
Not been over there since I sold my C :embarrassed:
Just recently got my MK5 and loving it :happy2:
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