Letter to head office. Get the names of who fitted your tyres and the management you spoke to. Get the tool they used lined up against your wheel in the place that the marks are and take pics.
Actually, WRITE a letter to their Registered Office - this will be on the invoice. Include a PHOTOCOPY of your invoice. Sommat like this (copy and paste if you like

<COSTCO PLC - or whatever their legal company title is>
<Registered Office>
<Post Code>
Dear Sirs
ADVANCED NOTICE OF LEGAL ACTION - BREACH OF CONTRACTOn <INSERT DATE>, I had four new tyres, <INSERT TYRE MAKE, SIZE, ETC> fitted to my car <INSERT YOUR TYPE OF VEHICLE & REG> at your <INSERT TOWN/CITY> branch. On completion of the works, I duly paid the amount previously <AGREED OR ADVERTISED> in full by way of <CASH, CHEQUE, CREDIT CARD, etc>.
Upon the first opportunity I had to inspect the work <THAT BIT IS IMPORTANT>, I discovered the wheels were covered in some white substance which I presume is some lubricant to assist in mounting of the tyres. I subsequently carefully cleaned off the white substance with a proprietory car shampoo, and discovered numerous areas of physical damage to my wheels. This damage was NOT there before I bought my car to you for these new tyres. I personally take great pride in the condition and appearance of my car, including regular cleaning and polishing of my alloy wheels. Therefore, I have to conclude that the damage occured whilst my car was in possesion by your company to fit my new tyres, and this is a clear breach of the United Kingdom "Supply of Goods and Services Act". Accordingly, I hold Costco wholly liable to the damage caused to the alloy wheels on my car.
I had subsequently returned to the branch, and attempted to discuss my concerns with the branch manager, explaining that the damage on my wheels clearly matched tyre levers and tyre change machine used at your branch. Your branch manager attempted to accuse me that I had caused the damage by kerbing. This accusation of me kerbing them is clearly withouth substance, as the damage does not match typical kerbing damage. Your branch manager ultimately refused to accept responsibility, dispite having NO defence to my claim that the damage matches your tools and equipment.
Therefore, I am writing to the Costco Registered Office as a last opportunity for you to admit liability, and to co-operate fully in repairing the damage your company caused to my car. I am seeking to have the damage on my alloy wheels caused by yourself to be restored back to the condition they were prior to you fitting the tyres - ie, in perfect, 'as new' condition. This could mean the alloy wheels being sent away to a specialist alloy wheel repairer, and if that is not in any way sucessful, the purchase of new alloy wheels.
I expect a written reply within 7 days from receipt of this letter - with Costco admitting full liability for the damage, and with a concrete offer of the full cost of repair or replacement of my alloy wheels. Should you fail to admit liability, or respond within 7 days, then your actions will force me to seek a County Court Judgement against your company in the Small Claims Court. Should I need to take court action to recover what is lawfully owed to me, then Costco will also be liable to all additional costs relating to said recovery, including, but not exlusively, £15 per letter or other item of written correspondence, in addition to all postal charges.
Yours faithfully
You MUST send it by Recorded Delivery, AND First Class, and keep the receipt from the post office. One or two working days after posting, log onto the Royal Mail website, and enter your Recorded Delivery serial number, check it has actually been delivered and signed for - do a screen dump, then print it.
Then wait 2 weeks before taking any further action - yes, I know you gave them 7 days, but it is accepted courtessy to give them an extra week (for sickness, holidays, etc). I you get this far without any joy, come back for more help.

OH - someone else might want to double-check my grammar and spelling!

EDIT: minor spelling & formating corrections