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Author Topic: Know anything about TV's (HD)  (Read 7448 times)

Offline T88OMM

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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2010, 04:28:54 pm »
£350 ??????? where from dude

some guy's front room in manchester! i can get you his number if you like?? he always has loads of brand new TV's for cheap as chip's  :smiley:

Typical Joe  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
TT-RS Plus - S-Tronic


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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2010, 04:42:59 pm »
Also if a film/game/progamme is sh*t it will still be sh*t in 3D HD 7.1!

If its good it will still be good in black and white mono.

So here it is my personal example, Transformers, is a pretty sh*t film which they have tried to rescue with effects and quality but its still sh*t. Watch the same on a B&W mono and you would turn it off.

But, keeping it in the same Genre, The Matrix (1st one not the other 2 cash cows) or Lord of the Rings for another genre, you could quite happily sit and watch anywhere!

Debate started!


Saint Steve

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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #32 on: October 14, 2010, 07:25:37 pm »

Another thing, dont skimp  on a decent aerial/leads

my two pence worth!!

another long argument, a 1m HDMI cable you wont notice the difference IMO due to it being a digital signal at the end of the day but 1M + long cables i have noticed massive differences between cheap + more expensive cables.

I changed my HDMI cables to QED and noticed an immediate difference.
Or did I just think i did?

if its hdmi,  you did. :happy2:

Theres only 2 variables of hdmi, the other version is worth hundreds of pounds and may give marginal difference. Monster Cables made Hi quality scart leads which will make a difference to your picture definition/resolution.But im afraid, same theory doesnt apply when it comes to hdmi leads and Lenghts affecting Picture quality.

Ive just spent a day at My works HQ at Osterley, london, Skys Main HQ.

We were testing skys new HD service today, and for me, its a deffinate on my shopping list, but there isnt enough content to back up the "Need" for this technology in my house.Even though my sky bill is Free every month near enough.
Give it a year , and there will be progression into further screen technology and the use of 3D specs  :smiley:
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 07:34:37 pm by Saint Steve »


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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2010, 09:51:01 pm »
I bought another expensive make and changed it to the QED ones.

I kept getting HDCP failure with the original so switched to QED and problem was solved.

They are the QED PS3 branded cable but are exactly the same as the purple award winning QED performance version but with a better HDMI connector.

Better picture, and they work.

One of those things you fit and forget like Poly Bushes, but make a massive difference.

Another thing to note when I bought my Plasma last year, because they are more compact now and sit closer to the wall I had to chissel a 300x300x25 deep recess for all the cables to go into the back of the TV.

Obviously not a problem if its on a stand but worth a mention.

For the record my personal favourite Blu ray is Benjamin Button. The scenery is truly amazing.


Offline xxx_mojo_xxx

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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2010, 08:38:04 pm »
Here' a quick mental dump for what it is worth...

No matter what the size and type of display panel type you consider - the video and image processing play a HUGE part in the quality of the image.  Each panel technology has it's strengths and trade-offs.  It's like asking if a pear is better than an apple.  Both may be fruits but there are two very different things.

These have the best colour gamut of all the panels.  Colour reproduction is real life and skin tones look natural. Examining skins tones between panels is usually a good litmus test of a TV.

The largest players were Pioneer with their Kuro range and Panasonic with Viera.  
Plasmas produce near perfect blacks - without any artificial circuit wizardry.  This is because each pixel is an individual gas chamber which can be individually controlled for luminance and colour - without any lag.

Manufacturing costs are inhibitive with this technology - not least the cost of Phosphor.  Both Pioneer and Panasonic found it increasingly difficult to justify the price premium in comparison to LCD counterparts which to the vast majority of people were adequate.

I have to stress this is not old technology.  Pioneer decided to bail out of producing plasmas due to a change in consumer demand and the cost of sustaining their fabrication plants.

Panasonic - make there own panels and image processing circuitry.  I cannot stress how important this is...the Viera processing engine is recognised to be one of the best.

The myth about the panels a bit of a fake argument.  Most plasma panels can display way above the comfortable viewing range of brightness.  This brightness is not the fake rating given for LCD panels where they artificially exaggerate certain aspects of the image to give the impression of brightness.  Anyway, to cut a long story short...plasmas have built in circuitry to hold back brightness over the lifespan of the TV.  So, even if you have the contrast and brightness set to 100% the TV records the time the panel has been used and compensates for it - by as much as 30%.  Well over a period of 5 years of the life of the TV before you start experiencing the fade effect.

Plasmas to do not suffer from viewing angle issues.  The image will look exactly the same from any angle - vertically or horizontally.  LED and LCDs have an optimal viewing angle before the image starts looking a funny shade or hue of the true image.

Best ones around that I have seen so far are from the Samsung and Philips range.  Samsung are also one of the three largest manufacturers of display panels across LED and LCDs.  
These panels can suffer from colour saturation problems, i.e. basic colours such as red, green, and blue can jump out and look unnatural.  Sanyo have taken a different approach to the traditional RGB pixels - but with limited success.
Can suffer from video lag between video source and display.  Don't understand how or why...but its a common theme across these.  May be its the way LEDs behave....
On the positive side LEDs panels are very slim as each pixel can control its own light and so no back light is required.  This is probably the future.  Despite the panels being more expensive than LCDs the fabrication cost is actually less as there are fewer panels which fail the quality checks which has plagued LCD production.

Viewing angles are an issue if you do not watch your TV dead on.  LED panels have better viewing angle range than most LCDs.

Can suffer from video lag when changing colour of pixels.  This is where you get smearing and ghosting of moving objects.
Some manufacturers have tried to eliminate this by increasing the refresh rate of the image, e.g. 100Hz, 200Hz, 600Hz, etc.
These also suffer from bleeding back light and being able to maintain consistent brightness across the screen, as these typically use a lamp or 'backlight'.  
Also there are two/three different types of LCD panels, TN, IPS and the other one I forget.  But basically the IPS is the best one, i.e. is for colour and image response times.

Best panels I have come across are the Phillips range.  The PixelHD video processing is one of the best ones around.

This technology is probably the most mature of the lot, but panels do suffer from the dreaded dead pixel syndrome.  This is where a speck (or more) appear in the panel.  The tricky thing here is that all manufacturers have different policies on how many pixels have to fail before they will replace the panel.  Trust me, even when you get a single dead pixel on a 19" monitor - it drives you crazy.

Viewing angles are an issue if you do not watch your TV dead on.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 08:52:46 pm by xxx_mojo_xxx »


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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2010, 09:50:20 pm »
Here' a quick mental dump for what it is worth...

No matter what the size and type of display panel type you consider - the video and image processing play a HUGE part in the quality of the image.  Each panel technology has it's strengths and trade-offs.  It's like asking if a pear is better than an apple.  Both may be fruits but there are two very different things.

These have the best colour gamut of all the panels.  Colour reproduction is real life and skin tones look natural. Examining skins tones between panels is usually a good litmus test of a TV.

The largest players were Pioneer with their Kuro range and Panasonic with Viera.  
Plasmas produce near perfect blacks - without any artificial circuit wizardry.  This is because each pixel is an individual gas chamber which can be individually controlled for luminance and colour - without any lag.

Manufacturing costs are inhibitive with this technology - not least the cost of Phosphor.  Both Pioneer and Panasonic found it increasingly difficult to justify the price premium in comparison to LCD counterparts which to the vast majority of people were adequate.

I have to stress this is not old technology.  Pioneer decided to bail out of producing plasmas due to a change in consumer demand and the cost of sustaining their fabrication plants.

Panasonic - make there own panels and image processing circuitry.  I cannot stress how important this is...the Viera processing engine is recognised to be one of the best.

The myth about the panels a bit of a fake argument.  Most plasma panels can display way above the comfortable viewing range of brightness.  This brightness is not the fake rating given for LCD panels where they artificially exaggerate certain aspects of the image to give the impression of brightness.  Anyway, to cut a long story short...plasmas have built in circuitry to hold back brightness over the lifespan of the TV.  So, even if you have the contrast and brightness set to 100% the TV records the time the panel has been used and compensates for it - by as much as 30%.  Well over a period of 5 years of the life of the TV before you start experiencing the fade effect.

Plasmas to do not suffer from viewing angle issues.  The image will look exactly the same from any angle - vertically or horizontally.  LED and LCDs have an optimal viewing angle before the image starts looking a funny shade or hue of the true image.

Best ones around that I have seen so far are from the Samsung and Philips range.  Samsung are also one of the three largest manufacturers of display panels across LED and LCDs.  
These panels can suffer from colour saturation problems, i.e. basic colours such as red, green, and blue can jump out and look unnatural.  Sanyo have taken a different approach to the traditional RGB pixels - but with limited success.
Can suffer from video lag between video source and display.  Don't understand how or why...but its a common theme across these.  May be its the way LEDs behave....
On the positive side LEDs panels are very slim as each pixel can control its own light and so no back light is required.  This is probably the future.  Despite the panels being more expensive than LCDs the fabrication cost is actually less as there are fewer panels which fail the quality checks which has plagued LCD production.

Viewing angles are an issue if you do not watch your TV dead on.  LED panels have better viewing angle range than most LCDs.

Can suffer from video lag when changing colour of pixels.  This is where you get smearing and ghosting of moving objects.
Some manufacturers have tried to eliminate this by increasing the refresh rate of the image, e.g. 100Hz, 200Hz, 600Hz, etc.
These also suffer from bleeding back light and being able to maintain consistent brightness across the screen, as these typically use a lamp or 'backlight'.  
Also there are two/three different types of LCD panels, TN, IPS and the other one I forget.  But basically the IPS is the best one, i.e. is for colour and image response times.

Best panels I have come across are the Phillips range.  The PixelHD video processing is one of the best ones around.

This technology is probably the most mature of the lot, but panels do suffer from the dreaded dead pixel syndrome.  This is where a speck (or more) appear in the panel.  The tricky thing here is that all manufacturers have different policies on how many pixels have to fail before they will replace the panel.  Trust me, even when you get a single dead pixel on a 19" monitor - it drives you crazy.

Viewing angles are an issue if you do not watch your TV dead on.

Spot on.

You won't get that advice on the high street or retail park.


Offline Jules86

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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #36 on: October 16, 2010, 10:11:03 pm »
I have a 6000 series Samsung LED and love it. Got it feb so cost more than it does now but it's a bargain if your not fussed about Internet tv stuff that the 7 and 8 offer

« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 10:13:07 pm by Jules86 »

Offline TurboTrev

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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #37 on: October 19, 2010, 12:43:55 pm »
just asked the people in the know

look at the Panasonic g20 range... apparently and i quote "You'll not see motion like it on any other TV."

These are guys that are paid to know everything there is to know about home cinema, they get given the kit to play with....

i said to him 1k 42 - 50" tv for watching moves.
Looking to buy a plasma this afternoon - I've spent this morning looking and the above info looks spot on - it's going to be a 42" G20 for me, the picture quality looks awesome. :happy2:


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Re: Know anything about TV's (HD)
« Reply #38 on: October 19, 2010, 01:24:30 pm »
just asked the people in the know

look at the Panasonic g20 range... apparently and i quote "You'll not see motion like it on any other TV."

These are guys that are paid to know everything there is to know about home cinema, they get given the kit to play with....

i said to him 1k 42 - 50" tv for watching moves.
Looking to buy a plasma this afternoon - I've spent this morning looking and the above info looks spot on - it's going to be a 42" G20 for me, the picture quality looks awesome. :happy2:

You won't be disappointed contrast is amazing.