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Author Topic: Advice regarding Paypal payments  (Read 2014 times)

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Advice regarding Paypal payments
« on: October 18, 2010, 12:40:46 pm »

Just a little advice as to how you should transfer the money when you buy here or  anywhere else using paypal.
IF you buy something for you own sake DO NOT transfer the money as anything else than what you have done, meaning buying an item.
I do understand why some sellers want to have the buyer transfering the money as a gift, but we all have to understand that paypal costs money to use, it's just where the expence is layed.

1. When buying an item and using the gift solution the fee for paypal is charged on top of the purchase and payed buy the buyer, the reason for the seller wanting this solution. Trouble is there is no security for the buyer this way, you get no help from Paypal to resolve any trouble/arguments between seller and buyer. As a buyer you litteraly sends the seller a gift andhe has no obligations whatsoever to follow up on you "gift".

2. When using the proper buy an item in paypal instead you get Paypal to back you up in any disagreement between you and the seller. you have 45 days (from memory) to raise a dispute against a seller and have Paypal sitting by the negotiationstable helping both sides resolving the situation. I have myself 3 times benefitted from this and had had my money returned from dodgy sellers on fleabay.

So my advice to the buyer is: recognice that there's a fee, and if the seller want's the money sent as a gift say no and offer to pay the fee on top of the agreed price for the item or walk away. As another solution ask the seller that you split the fee which he in most cases (from my experiences) will.  :wink:

And for the seller: Tell the buyer that the fee for paypal will be on top of agreed price and accept the money transferred as a buy and not a gift.

I hope this helps someone and if one avoids trouble by me writing this, then mission accomplised  :happy2:

Thx for reading

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2010, 10:36:08 pm »
Here here.

I got ripped off on the Dubforce website (not their fault) because I gifted.

I initially got the item but as it was wrong I sent it back for a refund.

I got all the sob stories!

Lost my job, I don't get paid for 2 months etc etc!

I even asked him for it back but nothing.

Good advice and if they won't have it any other way, walk away!

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2010, 11:24:43 pm »
I think it's a question of trust. I've bought a few things off forumites on this website and happily paid via paypal as gift. However, any websites/ebay I wouldn't use Gift unless I was happy to lose the money.

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2010, 11:36:37 pm »
TBH your right it was probably my own fault as he didn't have a high post count.

Live and learn!

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2010, 08:07:54 am »
If I remember to I always ask members buying my stuff to send as a gift.(Not on ebay sales tho).Never let anybody down tho... :driver:

Offline RedRobin

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2010, 08:21:52 am »
It is always a matter of trust - Largely why I don't use eBay!

I bought something from JPC, whom I have met lots of times and trust, and it was the wrong item to fit my car. No-one's fault in particular and certainly not his. I paid him via PayPal and as requested by him, as a 'gift'. He refunded me without question (and I returned his goods when I next saw him).

Trust is all-important in all transactions and all relationships (why I'm now happily divorced).

Good advice, Jake - I've always wondered about how PayPal's 'gift' thingy works in reality  :happy2:

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2010, 09:18:09 am »
I tend to look at post count and member since before buying.  then apply level of trust from there
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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2010, 09:24:58 am »

I tend to look at post count and member since before buying.  then apply level of trust from there

....Well, on that reckoning I could sell you a chocolate teapot and get away with it    :evilgrin:

But I wouldn't  :happy2:

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2010, 10:54:00 am »
 :scared: :scared:

i just sent stevep some cash as a gift!!


i hope he doesn't close the site down and disappear!

But i fully agree, trust is also a factor, there are some people you know will honour the agreement then there are some that you can never tell! even so, there have been plenty of cases where money has been sent to the most trusted and "sound" person and they disappear! just look in the edition38 classifieds!


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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2010, 11:15:25 am »
I also agree - its down to trust.
Ive had several people, both on and off of this forum, who have paid me via PayPal Gift. Everything goes through as per normal and I send the item off to them.

However, I also like to treat my buyers as I would like to be treated myself. Im open with my contact details etc, as I have nothing to hide. If they dont get the item I'll chase with Royal Mail for compensation and issue the buyer a refund or replacement. If there is an issue with the item, I will resolve the issue my requesting the item back (if possible) and issuing a full refund or replacement, whether the initial payment was a gift or not. To me, its still a purchase no matter how the item is paid for.

This is why Im also open with my contact details - I know I'll resolve any possible issues to the buyers satisfaction. To be honest, when I sell items Im always 100% honest with the description anyway, so rarely have any complaints in the first instance!

You do need to be very careful when purchasing from someone you do not know though. If its via eBay, ALWAYS keep the transaction through eBay. NEVER complete a transaction outside of eBay - even if offered a discount.
If its a sale outside of eBay, and you are not sure about the seller, get some background info, or just say you are not comfortable with paying as a Gift as it leaves you no protection, just in case. In most cases, the seller will still proceed as they still get a sale, and gain some trust for future business.

Offline Gene Hunt

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2010, 11:17:49 am »
If I remember to I always ask members buying my stuff to send as a gift.(Not on ebay sales tho).Never let anybody down tho... :driver:
.........i will back this up. :happy2:
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Offline RedRobin

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2010, 12:21:26 pm »
Slightly off-topic (such a change for me) but on the subject of trust: A very close and long term friend of mine used to operate very much on the wrong side of the law. He very suddenly had to flee the UK and take shelter overseas and did so while owing me several hundred pounds. I didn't hear even a whisper from him or where he was. Eight years later I'd moved home but he found me and turned up on my doorstep and paid me all he owed me. This reminds me I should check him out as I haven't seen him since leaving London.

You can never judge a book by its cover and should rely on your instincts. 

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Offline Weston

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Re: Advice regarding Paypal payments
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2010, 12:26:56 pm »
Just a small addition. If you use the paypal app on an iPhone it's sent as a gift.
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