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Author Topic: Got one at last - Silver 2006  (Read 4970 times)

Offline VWKD

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Got one at last - Silver 2006
« on: October 19, 2010, 10:45:57 pm »
Been hanging round this parts a bit now and finally went for it today on a real spur of the moment.. not sure if that is wise but we'll find out in due course I guess.

Basically made an offer via email about 2pm today not really expecting the guy to say yes and he said as long as you aren't gonna mess me about (had too many of them) then ok.. A quick trip to the bank to draw out a wad of cash, picked up mate, saw it, liked it, drove it, liked it, hpi'd it, checked the docs, bought it and here it is sat on my drive...

Tiz a bit poverty spec'd but it'll only get driven at weekends for a break from the old chip fat burning passat so wasn't too fussed about toys.. I'm sure I can add a few..  Any suggestions?

All I wanted was Climate and Monza II's and it's got them.

Only mod I'm thinking atm is colour coding.. which I will now be searching around these parts to find out what the deal is with doing that.

Will get some more pics where you can actually see it later.

1971 T2 Camper
1972 Triumph Spitfire MkIV
1999 Passat TDI Running On Chip Fat

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 10:48:19 pm »
Can't go wrong with Reflex Silver!  :happy2:

Hope it looks as good in the light!  :signLOL:

Offline VWKD

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2010, 10:58:30 pm »
Me too  :surprised:

I learnt to Drive in my Mums Silver Mk2 GTI back in 89 and was lucky enough to borrow it on occasions... I was the annoying 17 year old who got to borrow his mummy's cool car and impress the ladies  :signLOL:  

Had a real soft spot for silver ones ever since and the Mk5 really reminds me of it with the red line round the grill.

Have to say first impressions is that its got nothing on the GT TDI in that you don't get the same kick up the arse when you put your foot down.. Think I'm gonna have to drag them up the dual carriageway before I sell to put my mind at rest.   I think it maybe that I'm not revving the Mk5 enough being used to dirty dervs and there low rev range.
1971 T2 Camper
1972 Triumph Spitfire MkIV
1999 Passat TDI Running On Chip Fat

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2010, 11:04:11 pm »
A little remap will soon liven that baby up!  :evilgrin:

Offline winrya

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2010, 11:06:10 pm »
A little remap will soon liven that baby up!  :evilgrin:

My mate had a remapped 150 gt tdi and the gti was still quicker standard, yep a remap makes a massive difference but you might find a leaky dv valve at fault

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2010, 11:07:05 pm »
Unless the GTTDI was mapped, the GTI should be faster, though not by a huge margin.

Put a few tanks of V-power in and see if there's a change.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.

Offline Richn83

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2010, 08:58:30 am »
Is the derv a 1.9 or 2.0TDI?  Personally find the 1.9 TDI give a massive wack of torque and then run out of puff makes it feel really powerful but you will lose out when you have to up shift.  The difference with the TFSI is less of a torque spike and over a longer rev range so you need to hold it in gear longer it may not feel quicker but trust me it is  :evilgrin: 

And as said above could be a simple DV leak meaning its a bit down on boost (and before we panic you its very cheap to fix and wont have done any damage)

Couple of ways to set your mind as rest, either find someone who can log the car for you using VCDS cable and a laptop.  Or under normal conditions you should hear a woshing sound on lift off as the DV activates (easiest with the windows down and driving along past a wall or fence to reflect the sound) if you hear this to a lesser extent all the time then you could have a DV issue. part is £20 and can be fitted yourself on axle stand or by a garage in10-20 mins.

As stealthy says give it some 99 ron fuel too as the engine might have pulled the timing due to poor quality fuel.

Before worrying about all this though get out there and give it a good drive, and one thing your derv wont have is the sound track!  :driver:

5Dr Black GTI, DSG, Leather, Xenons. Retrofitted - Cruise, RNS 510, MFSW, Armrest, Skoda BT, 6cd changer, Monza II's, VW speaker upgrade kit, Lux pack, High-line, new CAN gateway, Polar FIS info display, R32 tinted rear lights, RVC

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Offline VWKD

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2010, 07:40:11 pm »
Mine is the 1.9 GT TDI

Having had a bit more of a play today it does go a bit when you take it upto the red line to be fair .. a very different beast to drive though.. realised how lazy I've got just driving round in 6th everywhere and relying on the massive torque of the tdi.. enjoying the drop down to third and let rip :driver:  I'll check out the DV thanks for the tip  :happy2:

One this that has just started happening is that there is a ticking noise coming from behind the dash I think on tickover.. it def wasn't there yesterday and it goes when you touch the throttle say upto 1000 revs... any idea ? please don't let it be serious.

1971 T2 Camper
1972 Triumph Spitfire MkIV
1999 Passat TDI Running On Chip Fat

Offline VWKD

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2010, 11:25:01 am »

1971 T2 Camper
1972 Triumph Spitfire MkIV
1999 Passat TDI Running On Chip Fat

Offline Richn83

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2010, 11:32:58 am »
If your driving around without the stereo on, then it could just be the computers "talking" to each other.  I can hear mine at idle, but once the engine noise increases with revs it gets blocked out. 

If it is then it will be sporadic and normally follows on with a second lot of noise at a different volume.

5Dr Black GTI, DSG, Leather, Xenons. Retrofitted - Cruise, RNS 510, MFSW, Armrest, Skoda BT, 6cd changer, Monza II's, VW speaker upgrade kit, Lux pack, High-line, new CAN gateway, Polar FIS info display, R32 tinted rear lights, RVC

To Come...NQSBBK, highline CCM.

Offline VWKD

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2010, 10:25:24 pm »
For those interested.. I did a little drag race on a private dual carriage way on my way to drop the car off at the spay shop for colour coding the other night and....

We did 0-120 and I'd say the Mk5 Petrol GTI was about 5 meters ahead of the Mk4 TDI 150 nothing to shout about really, we then had a bit of cat and mouse for the next 20 miles to the spray shop and not a lot in it really the TDI was never gonna get past TFSI but not as clear cut as I'd of liked.  Think a new DV is called for to see if that makes any difference.

I'm not totally disappointed as I love the TDI and will miss it big time when it goes, the torque on it is truly phenomenal whether the PO had tinkered with it and it is running more than 150 is a possibility ... looks wise they don't compare IMO have always found the MK4 GTI a bit bland to look at and probably my least favourite of all the MK's and the MK5 possibly my fave though the Mk1 is hard to top. As a car to drive the TDI is really effortless, I've owned all previous  MK's in GTI form and they really don't compare driving wise they were possibly more fun but everytime I put my foot down in the TDI at 1000 revs in 4th and see how quick it picks up always brings a smile to my face.. it certainly made me a lazy driver and am taking time to adjust to the fun of petrol driving again and all those extra revs to play with and dropping into 3rd and letting rip :driver:

Have to say one of the main downers was that the Mk5 was showing 18.2mpg when we arrived at the spray shop and the TDI 41.2mpg good job the MK5 looks soooo sweet is all I can say :)

1971 T2 Camper
1972 Triumph Spitfire MkIV
1999 Passat TDI Running On Chip Fat

Offline swf7y

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2010, 08:37:30 am »
I think you need to remap the beast! Stage 1, no other mods... You'll love the extra power and torque and soon forget about the derv...  :driver:

Offline Richn83

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2010, 08:56:44 am »
That is suprising, might be worth getting the GTI logged to give it a health check, also what fuel are you running it on? is it 95 or 99 ron, as that could be making a difference as the TFSI is tuned to 200ps on 98 fuel and will pull timing back on 95 ron to avoid knock.  If the fuel and DV arent up to scratch that could explain the lack of performnace over the derv. but it could just be that the torque and a lighter car makes it near equal in drag race, but once you get into the twisties the longer rev range lighter front end and better chassis of the mk5 should make for a more interesting comparison.

5Dr Black GTI, DSG, Leather, Xenons. Retrofitted - Cruise, RNS 510, MFSW, Armrest, Skoda BT, 6cd changer, Monza II's, VW speaker upgrade kit, Lux pack, High-line, new CAN gateway, Polar FIS info display, R32 tinted rear lights, RVC

To Come...NQSBBK, highline CCM.

Offline alan_n

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2010, 03:59:00 pm »
looks tidy fella! got to love a silver mk5  :love:

Offline VWKD

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Re: Got one at last - Silver 2006
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2010, 12:37:20 pm »
Picked up car last night from Spray shop and  :love:

Need to get some decent pics rather than my rubbish phone ones but the Gloss black Zorst surround looks sweet.

Hopefully get some decent pics at the weekend weather permitting... I hate winter dark mornings and nights

1971 T2 Camper
1972 Triumph Spitfire MkIV
1999 Passat TDI Running On Chip Fat